Premier League

Official: Greenwood to leave United

Mason Greenwood has released a statement confirming that he has reached an agreement with United to leave the club.

Greenwood has been suspended since January 2022, when he was arrested. In October 2022, he was charged with rape, attempted control and forced abortion as well as assault causing bodily harm. The United striker denied all these allegations.

All these charges against him were dropped in February, due to “the withdrawal of the key witness from the testimony and new material came to light which meant that there was no longer any real evidence for him to stand trial”, wrote the Crown Prosecution Service. in England.

United and Greenwood have both posted statements confirming that the footballer’s career will be outside this club.

“I want to start by saying that I understand every person will judge me for months because of what they have seen and heard on social media and I know people will think the worst,” Greenwood’s lengthy statement read. .

“I have grown up to know that violence or abuse in any relationship is bad, I did not do the things I was accused of and in February I was acquitted of all charges. However, I admit that I have made mistakes in my relationship and share the responsibility for this situation that flowed on social networks”.

“I’m learning to understand my responsibilities to set a good example as a football professional and I’m also focused on being a responsible father as well as a good partner.”

“Today’s decision was part of a collaboration between Manchester United, my family and me. The best decision for all of us for months is to continue my career away from Old Trafford, where my presence will not distract the club.”

“I thank the club for their support since I joined them when I was seven years old. They will always be part of me which is called United. I am extremely grateful to my family and all my loved ones for their support and now I have to repay the trust they showed in me.”

“I aim to become a better football player, most importantly a good father, a good person who will use my talent in a positive way on the field.”

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